9th December 2014


Napo Foundation's Mentor Program II

We want to inform, that Napo Foundation's Mentor Program (2012-2014)  has been completed. We would like to thank Karolina Jonderko and Mateusz Sarello for the two inspiring years of working together and the emotions that they have provided us with all their successes. THANK YOU!

Napo Foundation members decided to invite two following photographers that had been selected for the second Mentor Program. Michal Adamski and Filip Skronc will work on their long-term photographic projects over the period of the next two years, under the supervision of five photographers and photoeditor .: Filip Cwik, Ewa Meissner, Piotr Malecki, Adam Lach, Maciej Jeziorek and Monika Szewczyk-Wittek. More information coming soon.