Filip Skrońc

Experimenting documentalist. Writes, photographs and makes short-form videos. In his works he tries to mix poetic reportage and dirty realism. 

Graduated from Press Photography in the Institute of Journalism at the University of Warsaw. On a daily basis, he works as a freelancer. His photograps and articles appear in publications such as Gazeta Wyborcza, Przekrój, FUTU Paper, Kontynenty, Maleman and doc! photo magazine. 

He is a winner of the Maciej Szumowski reportage and essay competition (2012), shortlisted of Teresa Torańska Newsweek Award (2013) and finalist of the Ryszard Kapuścinski scholarship competition for young and promising journalist (2014). Received grant from Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (2014).

Kajtek’s dad.


2014 Part of DEBUTS – book and exhibition presents the most talented Polish young photographers 
2014 Finalist of the Ryszard Kapuścinski scholarship competition for young and promising journalist
2013 Shortlisted of Teresa Torańska Newsweek Award for „The little death in Pattaya” reportage.
2012 Winner of the Maciej Szumowski reportage and essay competition for „A throat every two seconds”.