Mateusz Sarełło (program 2012/14)

Born in 1978 in Warsaw. A graduate from the Academy of Photography in Warsaw. Mateusz takes part in Napo Mentor Program. He is also a member of
Spoldzielnia Dokumentalna (Documentary Cooperative), and has worked as a curator’s assistant of the proFotografia Institute in Poznan. Publication credits include, Lens Culture, GUP Magazine, PDN Photo District News, Blow Magazine, Archivo Magazine, Prism Magazine, Exklusiv Magazine, Here, Flip Magazine, 5klatek, Doc! Photo Magazine and Private Photo Review. In 2013, Mateusz published his book "Swell"

Selected awards:
2014 The Best Photography Book in contest Picture of The Year International - finalista za książkę "Swell"
2013 International Photography Awards in Los Angeles - trzecia nagroda za książkę "Swell"
2013 Prix de la Photographie Paris Honorable Mention 

Selected exhibitions:
2013 „Swell”, Kolga Tbilisi Photo Week, Tbilisi, Georgia
2013 „Swell”, Chobi Mela VII International Fesitval of Photography, Dhaka, Bangladesh