Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

Okecie Airport. Scanned luggage from the skull of the brown bear and elephant tusk.

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

A Brown bear. The owner brought it from Russia. He wanted to hang it over his bed in the bedroom, for the bear's head to symbolize his power. Description comes from a fragment of protocol from customs officials of the Warsaw Okecie Airport.

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

Coat with snake skin.
Requisitioned by the Warsaw police, illegal handbags, coats and shoes with protected amimal species.

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

African elephants leg. A man who wanted to bring it into the country, said he saw a similar one being used as a garbage bin by his neighbour.  He wanted to have it too and for this reason he went to Africa. He had, however, wanted it to serve as a stand for umbrellas. Description comes from a fragment of protocol from customs officials of the Warsaw Okecie Airport.

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

Republic of South Africa
Stuffed Vervet monkey in one of the African apartments

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

Requisitioned by the Warsaw police, illegal handbags, coats and shoes with protected amimal species.

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

The biggest threat, in the illegal trade of endangered species, comming from tourists. There are millions of tourists who unknowingly bring all that is exotic. On picture: shop window in Australia with crocodile gallanty.

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

Okecie Airport. Lemuroidea skull. Owner wanted to use it as a paperweight on the desk.

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

Varanidae shoe. The landlady bought these shoes, because she was not seen yet so original shoes. Description comes from a fragment of protocol from customs officials of the Warsaw Okecie Airport.

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

European Otter, a very rare and protected specimen in Europe.

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

Okecie Airport. The custom official behind one-way mirror watching travelers.

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

Okecie Airport in Warsaw.
Coral. The tourists are the biggest problem. Last year was the worst, tourists kept bringing large amounts of coral.
Collect coral in any form is prohibited.

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

A tiger. A man who sought to import it into the country, said he treated it as an investment. He knew that tigers are rare and very valuable. Description comes from a fragment of protocol from customs officials of the Warsaw Okecie Airport.

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

Nile crocodile . A man who had him in his baggage, wanted to use him as the bathroom carpet. He admitted that he liked the skin, and that he always had a problem with rugs that were not waterproof, so he decided to bring the water resistant crocodile skin.
Description comes from a fragment of protocol from customs officials of the Warsaw Okecie Airport.

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

Okecia Airport. Piotr Talalaj spokesman for the Customs Chamber in Warsaw, coordinator of CITES poses with
Siamese crocodile. There are only 1,800 left in the world. A man who wanted to bring it into the country, had a dream to make a small pond in his garden and to paint the crocodile with varnish resistant to all weather conditions. He wanted to pick out it's eyes and insert a hose to make a fountain. He even invented the fountain's name: "crocodile tears". Description comes from a fragment of protocol from customs officials of the Warsaw Okecie Airport.

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

Republic of South Africa
Stuffed Steenboks in one of the African apartments

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

Republic of South Africa
Rhinoceros in the wild in South Africa. In traditional Asian medicine the powdered rhino horn is used to treat dozens of diseases, from nightmares, rheumatism and problems with eyesight to cancer. No studies have confirmed its medicinal properties, but the belief in it's power is stronger than science. Deadly for rhinos.

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

African elephants tusk . The owner was stopped at the airport with a table made out of ivory. One of the legs of the table is pictured. Description comes from a fragment of protocol from customs officials of the Warsaw Okecie Airport.

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

Okecie Airport. Varanidae handbag. Hunter, who brought bag for himself, he wanted to stand out among the other hunters during hunting. He had to have proof that he took part in the hunt, not only in Polish forests, but also in Africa. Description comes from a fragment of protocol from customs officials of the Warsaw Okecie Airport.

Lach Adam - Human Tsunami:

Okecie Airport. A Polar bear. The owner bought it as a souvenir for his wife, to lay it at the feet of the bed. For her soft and pleasant start of a day. Description comes from a fragment of protocol from customs officials of the Warsaw Okecie Airport.

Human Tsunami
Adam Lach

We kill them for financial gain: one gram of powdered rhinoceros horn costs more than a gram of platinum and a single tiger can earn up to $ 300,000. There is no indication, in near future, of lack of demand for ivory, crocodile leather handbags, rhino horns - whose populations has decreased in 97%, or other live or stuffed animals - with the biggest threat coming from tourists . We can only, one day, run out of these animals.

Most of the description comes from a fragment of protocol from customs officials of the Warsaw Okecie Airport.


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Human Tsunami
Adam Lach

We kill them for financial gain: one gram of powdered rhinoceros horn costs more than a gram of platinum and a single tiger can earn up to $ 300,000. There is no indication, in near future, of lack of demand for ivory, crocodile leather handbags, rhino horns - whose populations has decreased in 97%, or other live or stuffed animals - with the biggest threat coming from tourists . We can only, one day, run out of these animals.

Most of the description comes from a fragment of protocol from customs officials of the Warsaw Okecie Airport.