15th April 2014


Multimedia documentary workshop

Multimedia documentary workshop

This multimedia workshop is designed for photographers, who would like to develop their storytelling techniques using film, photography and sound. It's a chance to create own projects in close cooperation with international awards-winning photographers who succesfully produce and publish multimedia documentaries

Piotr Malecki / Napo Images, Short Docs Media 

Adam Lach / Napo Images

MichaƂ Luczak / Sputnik Photos

12-16 May 2014r,  Warsaw

Number of participants: max 6

Price: 600 Euro

Apply with links to your work at:


Participants should posses knowledge of photography and at least basic knowledge of video filming and editing. During the course they will be divided into small groups and together will work to create a short documentary multimedia, going through all the process of technicalities, finding the story, filming, editing video and sound.

This will be an intensive course, so prepare for hard work everyday, starting Monday morning and finishing on Friday evening with a projection of multimedia pieces shot by participants.